とある私立高校 英語教師のつぶやき




31st May, 2020

久しぶりに電車に乗って美容院へ。 初めて切ってもらった若い美容師だったけど、なかなか上手だった。 細かく注文するのが面倒で、いつも言ってる後頭部のことを言わなかったが、 思っていたことを向こうから提案してきてくれて、安心して切ってもらえた。 …

30th May, 202

I ended up doing nothing special all day. We bought a Sushi takeaway at Sushiro. I was surprised that there were a lot of people eating inside the restaurant. I think it's too early to eat at the crowded place. 【Words & Phrases】 ①summit…

29th May, 2020

今日も他学年の生徒の健康チェックシートの受け取りと使用教室の消毒作業。 2次感染の可能性もあるかもしれない。 これ以上、学校生活をストップさせないでくれ! Today I helped receive the health checksheet from students and I disinfect their classe…

28th May, 2020

今日は新入生の初登校日。 初々しい姿で登校していました。 初のホームルームは、教員も生徒も初対面のため、お互いが緊張気味で、 表情が硬かった。 早く生徒と打ち解ければいいなぁ。 Today we welcomed freshmen. We divide a class into two groups that…

27th May, 2020

Today I helped receive the health checksheet from students. Then I disinfect their classes. Also I cleaned the class I'm in charge of and prepared for tomorrow. 【Words & Phrases】 ①cavity:(虫歯による)歯の穴、空洞、穴 例文:You have a l…

26th May, 2020

Today at my school, we prepared for resuming(再開する) our school, like meeting, disinfection(消毒) around/all over/ throughout(~じゅうを) school. Tomorrow 2nd-year students is coming. Even though I'm not in charge of 2nd-year stude…

25th May, 2020

Today I went to my school and work all day. In this quarantine(隔離) period, I usually work at home/work from home/telecommute(自宅勤務する). I felt a little tired. 【Words & Phrases】 ①come up with ~:~を思いつく、(人、物)に追いつく…

24th May, 2020

Today it was not hot and cold. But I just studied English as little as yesterday. 【Words & Phrases】 ①distinctive :明確に区別できる →distinct:まったく異なる、別個の(different) ←distinguish:区別する cf. instinctive:本能の、本能的な cf.…

23rd May, 2020

Today the weather was nice. But I stayed home all day and did nothing, just watching TV and playing a video game. I got tired of myself(自分にうんざりする). 【Words & Phrases】 ①procecute:起訴する、告発する 例文:These days killing thes…

22nd May, 2020

Today I told a student to come to school for counseling and tutorial(個別指導). It's been a long time since I last taught something to students. It's fresh for me. 【Words &Phrases】 ①trousers(≒pants) ズボン(2本の足があるので複数形) 例…

21st May, 2020

Today, it was colder than yesterday. I ended up doing nothing all day. Why do I always end up like this? I should reset my undisciplined life! 【Words & Phrases】 ①explicitly(はっきり述べられた、明確な) ⇔ inplicitly(暗黙の、潜在的な) ②…

20th May, 2020

Recently it had been hot for many days, but it was a little chilly today. For me, cold night is good to fall asleep. 【Words & Phrases】 ①chew 動詞:噛む chew on ~:~についてよく考える ②hive 名詞:ミツバチの巣 ③hence 副詞:1それゆえ、従…

19th May, 2020

Today I rearranged my room, moving my audio equipment and small items. I was satisfied with the rearrengement, but maybe my wife is still dissatisfied with my room because my room is messy and there are too many things... I know I should t…

18th May, 2020

Yesterday, I went for a walk with my kid and wife. We walked for about an hour there and back(往復で). The weathe was nice and the breeze felt nice(風がここちよかった). It felt good to walk along the river in the evening. On our walk(…

17th May, 2020

​​​From today, I am going to try keeping a daily journal. And also I will write on grammer, words, and phrases that I should remember in this blog. ​【grammer】 ​①try to ~とtry to ~ingの使い分け ・try to ~の場合、to不定のtoには、ある方…